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First Anniversary - One Year of Historical Watch Stats

Time to Celebrate! On August 31st 2021 we launched our first blog on the website. Time to look back and see what topics got you guys going. What you've been reading, what you've been clicking, and ...

Pabulum... Were Watches Ever Monotonous?

What I often hear from - vintage - watch enthusiasts is that the modern watch landscape is getting increasingly dull. Every brand is simply doing the same, no strong design evolutions and you tend ...

The Historic Value of Rolex Watches

Secretly we all thought at some point: "If I'd have a time-machine, I'd go back and buy the complete Rolex stock". Because things used to be cheaper in the good old days... right? So let's sport th...

How To Become A Watch Analyst

Full disclosure this is only a semi-serious Guide on "How to become a watch analyst." But I think it is a New Year and this also means new chances to take more people onto this - in my opinion - ex...
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